

Category: Use

Proximal/Femoral Nailing Set

Rotational stability: Combining a hip pin which provides rotational stability with a load-bearing femoral neck screw ensures intra- and postoperative safety.
Insertion safety stop: The screw shoulder prevents the femoral neck screw from undesired slippage through the nail into the femoral neck.
An anatomical angle of 6° allows the nail to be inserted and positioned in the medullary canal with ease.
PFN Nail (Proximal Femoral Nail) diameters of 9, 10, 11 and 12 mm permit insertion without reaming allowing a simplified, time saving surgical procedure with less blood loss.
A choice of static or dynamic interlocking. The distal interlocking slot makes primary or secondary axial dynamization possible.
The nail’s distal flexibility and optimal distance between the interlocking bolt and the tip of the nail minimize stress concentration and tension in the femoral shaft.